I’m a writer, speaker, photographer... and librarian. The photos on this site are mine, taken on my travels. (Here's me in Paris in May 2017 with the Eiffel Tower coming out of my head.) My narratives of place are combined with memoir, research, and culture. Much of my work focuses on classical music and opera as music is my first love. I'm a college librarian who recently earned an MFA in Creative Writing (Creative Nonfiction) from Cedar Crest College. I teach unusually sophisticated Music History courses to older adults, Effective Speaking and Creative Nonfiction Writing to college students, and I get a healthy amount of speaking invitations on music and writing topics in the Central Jersey/Southeastern Pennsylvania region. My creative nonfiction has been published in The Bangalore Review, Danse Macabre, Clever Magazine, Pink Pangea, Library Journal, Mature Years, America in WWII, Edible Jersey, The World & I, and other fine periodicals. Shoot me an email if you would like to discuss booking an appearance in a library, bookstore, or other interesting venue.